Basic Beauty Tips You Must Follow

For brighter and more beautiful skin, you need to follow some beauty tips religiously to enhance your skin care. These simple tricks will take your beauty up several notches and add shine to your face like never before.

We researched and put together the best beauty tips for your skin. Just look.

Different skin types have different needs and different problems. It is important to identify and care for your skin type.

oily skin
This is the most troublesome skin type. The troubles are countless, but when maintained, this skin type can have a certain glow that other types of skin do not.

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Common problems: Common problems include enlarged pores and a dull appearance due to excess oil. This, in turn, provides a shiny and smooth sheen. Frequent pimples and blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads and dark spots are also some common problems of oily skin.

Simple Tip: Maintain a healthy diet. Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits, and avoid oily and junk food. Always keep your face clean. This helps keep excessive oil and acne at bay.

Dry skin
If you think that having oily skin is a pain, then let us tell you that having dry skin is not even a walk in the park. Dry skin can make you feel very uncomfortable, especially in winter and in extremely cold temperatures. When not properly cared for, it causes intense pain and an unsightly appearance.

Common problems: Dry skin usually looks fine and dull, but on a closer look, there may be flaky or grainy skin, especially around the corners of the mouth, eyes, and forehead. If neglected, it can give rise to wrinkles.

Simple suggestion: Do not use hot water while bathing.

Never leave the shower without applying moisturizer. Pat dry your skin after a shower, and always use a soft towel.

Composite skin
With this, we suffer from the good and bad qualities of both skin types! Combination skin usually has a mixture of both oily skin characteristics, such as large pores, constant shine, and breakouts, especially in the T-zone - forehead, nose, and chin areas, and dry skin features such as itching, scaliness, and Blush cheek.

Common troubles: You will face both types of skin troubles depending on climatic conditions and also which type of skin is more effective on your face.

Simple tips: If you have oily skin type, then your hormone combination will end with the skin or not, there is a lot of effect. Here are some very basic things that can help you see your skin and feel better.

Keep your face clean at all times. Hunt for the perfect moisturizer for your skin. These can never be the same for people with this type of skin because there will always be a difference in degree of dryness and dryness. And once you find it, don't change it!

Use an appropriate amount of moisturizer depending on your skin's response to climatic conditions. Too much moisturization will cause problems with the oily zone, and its depletion will cause problems with the dry zone.

Basic Beauty Tips You Must Follow

No matter what your skin type is, ensuring that your skin is clean is extremely important. This is where your skin care routine comes into play. Cleansing dirt and grime, removing dead skin cells, and making sure you don't leave the pores open for more dirt accumulation are essential. This process includes cleansing, scrubbing / exfoliating, toning, and moisturizing.

Here are some beauty tips and natural beauty products that can be used alone or in combination.

Our skin is exposed to dust, smoke and pollution, resulting in dryness, drabness and more, resulting in basically lifeless skin. Cleansing ensures that the skin glows. Only if cleansing is done properly will your skin easily accept various products, such as moisturizers and facial masks.

Simply cleansing and moisturizing regularly will not work any magic on the skin until you periodically remove dead skin cells. Exfoliation should be practiced regularly to completely eliminate old dead skin, leaving you skin very smooth and fresh. Do scrubbing once a week. If your skin type demands more, as do oily skin, do it several times as necessary - but don't overdo it!


This is a very frequently asked question - "Is it really important when I actually clean and moisturize my skin regularly?" Toning is an important element of the cleansing process. A good toner will remove all the oil, dirt and debris left by the cleaner. More importantly, a toner will help calm, nourish and hydrate the skin while restoring its pH balance.

Whatever your skin type, this should not stop you from moisturizing your skin regularly. Moisturizing plays an important role in skin care - it keeps your skin hydrated and prevents it from becoming red or flaky. It also helps you prevent early signs of aging. If your skin is oily, it does not mean that your skin is getting adequate nutrition. This is a very common misconception. Choose a good gel-based moisturizer and use it regularly.

It is no wonder now that seasonal changes affect our skin in different ways, it all depends on our skin types. So, depending on the skin type let it go.

oily skin
People with oily skin live with a misconception for too long. And that is oily skin that does not require moisturization. Whoever told you that is wrong. Just because the skin produces excess oil does not mean that it is receiving adequate nutrition. Always make sure you moisturize as necessary, especially in winter, as the skin then dries up. For best results, use gel-based moisturizer.

Oily skin is a magnet for dirt, and during the summer the equation makes it easier to establish a foothold only for infections other than sweating. Therefore, clean and tone regularly. This will ensure that the dirt is removed and the holes are closed.

Dry skin

The most important thing for this type of skin is moisturization. Your skin is dry by default and air dryness can only make matters worse. So make sure that you have a favorite moisturizer bottle during all seasons and keep your skin hydrated.

Composite skin

Since combination skin comes with both types of skin irritations, the key is to keep the skin clean, close the pores and keep the skin hydrated. These are requirements for both skin types. So, it is about finding the right balance.

After spending so many years ignoring centuries of knowledge from our ancestors, we have finally accepted that some of the most effective measures we have concocted from our backyard! So, here are some of the simplest and most effective face masks.

Sixth. Homemade Face Mask
Homemade Face Mask

Homemade face masks are the best solution to add life and bring glow back to your skin.

1. Avocado Mask

Scoop the avocado and mash it. Mix with a spoonful of honey and / or plain yogurt. Apply on face while avoiding eyes.

2. Honey Mask

Mix one tablespoon each of honey and olive oil. Add two spoons of lemon juice.

Beat in an egg yolk. Apply it on the face and keep it for 20 minutes before rinsing.

Open the pores by applying a warm, moist washcloth to the face before applying any mask. After removing the mask, rinse with warm water and then cold water.

These two face masks can be used by anyone, irrespective of their skin type.

3. Papaya Face Scrub
Exfoliation is very important for skin rejuvenation. The following tip leaves your skin feeling soft and fresh.
Mash a ripe papaya pulp with a fork. Add 2-3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal and 1 teaspoon sugar. Blend to make a thick paste. Massage the skin for several minutes; Let it dry

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